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Carpets are great décor pieces to stage a room and also provide warmth and comfort in any room in your home. They are a decorative item that come in different styles, colours and materials, to suit all tastes.
In terms of functionality, carpets provide thermal insulation (keeping warmth in) and acoustic insulation (muffling sound). They also help to protect your floor in high-activity areas.
3 articles in the categorie Rugs
Choosing the best rug
Categories : RugsWhat you should keep in mind when choosing a rug... Find out the most important factors that will help you make the right choice.
Rugs by material
Categories : RugsCarpets can be of many types depending on their material or composition. From the classic textile carpets to the most current vinyl carpets. Know the materials and their characteristics.
Rugs and colours
Categories : RugsA good choice of rug colour is essential when decorating. Understand the basics.